Two men die in a rural fire in Basauri
  • The deaths are two brothers aged 73 and the fire occurred in the campas of Arteagagoiti, in the district of San Miguel, on Tuesday, 23 August.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abuztuaren 24a
Bizkaiko suhiltzaileak beste sute bat itzaltzen. (Argazkia: Bizkaiko suhiltzaileak)

Both brothers appeared to be smoking bullies, according to the Basque Government Department of Security, and although the Ertzaintza is investigating what happened, they allegedly lost control of the fire they had fired and were caught by fire.

On Tuesday afternoon, around 17:00 a.m., the corpses were found when the firefighters went to extinguish the fire. Then came the members of the health services, checked the death and took them to the Bilbao Forensic Pathology Service to perform the autopsy.