Two Basques detained in Venezuela
  • The Government of Spain has denied that this is an operation related to the Spanish Intelligence Services. On the border between Venezuela and Colombia, more foreigners were detained.

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It has been known over the weekend that two bilbaínos that had been missing for a week in Venezuela are being detained, together with three Americans and one Czech. They were held at the border between Venezuela and Colombia, in the capital, Puerto Ayacucho, where numerous military and security areas are concentrated, among other things because there are many smugglers.

The Minister of the Interior of the Venezuelan Government, Diosdado Cabello, has accused them of having "connection" with the Spanish secret services and the Venezuelan opposition. Cabello, the Interior Minister, said that "terrorist actions" were being prepared against Nicolás Maduro under the leadership of the US Government and the other three detainees, with the aim of "destabilising the government".

The Spanish Government has denied the accusations of Venezuela and said that the two bilbaits "have absolutely nothing to do" with the secret services of Spain. Their families, for their part, have indicated that they have been doing tourism since 17 August. They last met on 2 September. This is an area where they traveled without a guide, according to the same source.

Diplomatic relations between Spain and Venezuela have deteriorated. Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González took political asylum last Sunday in Spain, in an operation coordinated by the Government of Venezuela and Bolivia. Last Wednesday, the Congress of Deputies called on the government to accept González as president with the support of the PNV and the opposition of the PSOE. But Defense Minister Margarita Robles ignited a conflict between governments, after Venezuela was defined as a "dictatorship." Then the arrests have come.