Two evictions are paralyzed in Berriozar
  • The Berriozar Evictions Platform dences that two Berriozar families are at risk of homelessness. Tomorrow they will conduct a concentration at the Carlos III Civic Center in Pamplona. Avenue at 13:30 and 19:00 hours.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2019ko ekainaren 03a
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Caixabank's first protest at the Carlos III of Pamplona/Iruña The Platform of Affected by the Berriozar Mortgage will act in front of its Avenida headquarters. With this entity, the two families have received a mortgage and a threat that they will be evicted from their homes. In this situation are the families of Mikel and Aurelio. The platform demands that they be given the opportunity to live for social rent and not be left in the street. Second protest at the night of Karlos III. It will be located on the same avenue but opposite the Palacio del Gobierno de Navarra. The first at noon, at 13:30 and the second at 19:00.