Trial of two Ertzaines for illegal detentions in the camp Gipuzkoa Zutik
  • Sentenced to five years ' imprisonment and six years ' imprisonment. With these requests for punishment, two Ertzainas arrive this Wednesday at the Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa, charged with the illegal detention of two people in the Gipuzkoa Zutik camp 2016. ARGIA spoke to the lawyer of the two young people, who explained that during the trial they will try to symbolize "the clash between two worlds" they live.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2019ko otsailaren 12a
Agente ugarik kanpaldian goizean bertan zeudenak inguratu eta bi kide atxilotu zituzten. (Lander Arbelaitz)

“On that day the Ertzainas passed, sending dozens of agents dressed for the altercation to identify young people who were in the plaza. It was absolutely disproportionate. They have misinterpreted the spirit of the law, which says in Spanish that police operations must be minimal. In the assembly, they decided that he had no responsibility or identity. That’s why they were arrested and because they cannot be identified, no one can be arrested,” he said. Non-identification is an administrative sanction, but, where appropriate, not arrest. They were released on the same day.

The young people were administratively sentenced and, in addition, were summoned to trial for "serious disobedience", but the judge considered that there was no crime. The two youths filed a complaint against the Ertzainas and a trial will be held after two and a half years. In 2016, the judge ordered the convening of three Ertzainas for arrest.

Asked about the strategy to be adopted in the trial, he did not advance the one to be announced in the courtroom, but he has advanced that in the courts "a rare juridical-political strategy" will be used.

The trial will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa, in the First Section, located on San Martin Street. The Gipuzkoa Zutik movement has called for them to come to the appointment and listen to the trial live.

ARGIA recorded the time of the arrests, which can be seen in the video below. In this link you can check your information about what happened that day.