Two detainees and identified six in the mobilization of Tubacex workers
  • Tubacex workers, on indefinite strike against redundancies, have sat down this Tuesday morning at the Laudio factory, blocking their access. The Ertzaintza has charged two people on the playing field and identified six of them.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko otsailaren 23a

This Tuesday morning you heard screams like "No to the shotgun!" in a carpet organised by Tubacex workers. Hundreds of people have congregated to block entry to the factory. The Ertzainas have been evicted, one by one, and there have been some incidents. According to the Ertzaintza, two people have been arrested for "acting against authority" and, according to security sources, six people have been identified.

The management of Tubacex announced two weeks ago that 150 workers will be laid off and that the rest will be temporarily regulated at the plants of Llodio and Amurrio.