They want to deprive families of two lesbian mothers in Italy
  • The Italian Government has called for the children of same-sex parents to be stopped and the Padua Public Prosecutor’s Office has taken a step in this direction: She asks that from the register of children born with two mothers since 2017 the name of the mother who has not given birth be removed. Removed from the register, both the mother and her child would lose many rights. The measure may be extended to other Italian regions.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko ekainaren 23a
Guda ideologikoa alboratzeko eta haurrengan pentsatzeko eskatu du Paduako alkateak.

A crusade begins against the LGBTI+ collective in the country ruled by the far-right Georgia Meloni. The Padua Public Prosecutor’s Office has sent a note to 33 families of two mothers, and will surely come to more because it wants to implement a measure aimed at all the children of Padua who have registered with two mothers since 2017: it asks that all birth records be amended so that they disappear from the records of mothers who have not given birth to their child, taking away their surname.

What effect does it have?

With the withdrawal of the registration, the family would lose many rights: receiving the child from school, making decisions related to health and medical treatment, or staying with their children in the event of the death of the mother who gave birth. The only option allowed to the mother who has not given birth is to adopt her children, but it is a long process and often fraught with obstacles.

In Italy, births are registered by municipalities, and more than one fears that the measure may be extended to other places in Italy. The Prosecutor’s Office has said that it has done nothing but comply with the law and the Minister of the Government, Luca Ciriani, has made it clear in Italy that “the wedding is between a man and a woman”, “so you can only register the surname of the biological father as the surname of the children”.

The Public Prosecutor’s proposal is now going to make the way to the courts.

The Mayor of Padua calls for the abandonment of ideological war and for children to be considered. For her part, one of the mothers receiving the note states that a fundamental right is being violated: “Besides influencing daily life, it affects one’s own identity.”