Live with purple glasses
Osiñe talde feminista 2021eko azaroaren 02a

A mural reminiscent of Lazkao Txiki has recently been painted in Ordizia. Graffiti reflects bertsolari’s concern about the use of Euskera. In Zerain there was also a mural in which Jon Maia was honored. It also refers to the Basque country.

The feminists of Osiñe want to add to this concern another and make a reflection on whether we are not forgetting something important in favor of culture/Euskera; where are the women* in our streets.

"Are we not forgetting something important for the sake of culture/Euskera, where are women* in our streets?"

The feminist movement is constantly working to raise awareness of the impact that our symbols and references have on the public space. Public space is a reflection of the cultural values of society. An indicator of the dynamics and power relations that occur in it.

From feminisms we have a project to reconstruct life and public meanings. We are what we see and learn. We know that historically men (white, cis-hetero…) have had the hegemony of public space. This creates an imbalance in the space that should be of all and once again women* are left unrepresented.

The agents of Ordizia, as well as the City Hall, have the responsibility of building a feminist people. So things, it's time to design the streets that represent us all. Let’s start to provide space for women* who have not been given visibility so far. We want to know their life stories, to know who they are. Where are Lutxi Zaldua, Maurizia Aldeiturriaga, Joxepa Antoni Aranberri Xenpelar, Ernestina de Champourcin or Bizenta Mogel?

Let's open the imagination. Because we need new referents and because the street is ours, we don't stay behind for the sake of culture.