Seven other Basque political prisoners on strike in solidarity with Garikoitz Etxeberria
  • Lizartza prisoner Garikoitz Etxeberria Goikoetxea began a hunger strike in Zaballa prison on 19 April to report that after observing and refusing to share the cell, he was placed in isolation as a punishment. Now, seven prisoners have joined the hunger strike in solidarity.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2023ko apirilaren 25

Gari arrived on April 14 from Dueñas in Palencia to Zaballa prison. When they took him to the module, they forced him to bend in the cell with another prisoner and, by resignation, are in isolation since then.

At first he wanted to denounce the situation in the patios strike, but in the face of the lack of solutions, on 19 April he began a hunger strike. Today is its sixth day.

Seven other Basque political prisoners have joined the hunger strike, against the imposition of prison, in solidarity with Gari.

Solidarity initiatives on the street

The Askatasuna organisation has organised solidarity initiatives. A concentration in Gasteiz was convened before Parliament on Friday 28 April at 19:00.

A prison march will be held at Zaballa Prison on Saturday, 29 April.