Another worker killed on scaffolding: Non-compliance with labour safety regulations
  • A 42-year-old neighbor of Pamplona has died when he fell while working in a private house in the village of Lumbier. According to the unions, occupational safety regulations "are not complied with" and have called for company responsibilities to be removed. According to LAB, there are already 42 workers killed while working in the Basque Country.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2024ko irailaren 18a
Irunberrin etxe batean lanean ari zela hil da 42 urteko iruindarra. Argazkia. ELA

Another worker has died in the construction sector after falling from a scaffold he was working on. The accident took place on Monday afternoon in Lumbier, but the unions reported on Tuesday that it has taken place. The 42-year-old Pamplona working in a private house reportedly died after falling from a height of about three metres above the ground. The emergency services moved to Lumbier, but they could do nothing to save the worker's life.

LAB denounces that this death is "another drama": "Another worker has died in an avoidable workplace accident," he said. The union has explained that if the safety regulations on scaffolding had been complied with, this death would not have occurred. In this respect, he has called for the accident to be investigated and for clarification of what has happened.

ELA also denounces: "Employers do not comply with the prevention regulations and public entities refuse to increase the means of inspection to control these non-compliance."

In the last 10 years in the Basque Country at least 79 people have died in the construction sector after falling high and account for 12.5% of occupational deaths

In the last 10 years in Euskal Herria at least 79 people have died as a result of falling high in the construction sector, which accounts for 12.5% of labor deaths, according to LAB. So far this year, six workers have died this way. According to the Abertzale syndicate, to avoid this "social and labor evil" it is necessary to take measures: "Institutional control is essential to demand compliance with regulations governing occupational health," he explained.

On Monday, there are already 42 workers who died this year in Euskal Herria while they were working.

Tractor Atrocities in Amorebieta-Etxano

On the other hand, the Basque Government’s Department of Security has reported that a 61-year-old baserritarra has died in Amorebieta-Etxano after suffering an accident with the tractor he was driving in this case.

According to this source, the accident occurred in an agricultural area located in the San Antonio district of the capital of Alavesa. According to data provided by, in the last four months at least four people have died in the same conditions in the Basque Country.