A demonstration in favour of another model of justice will be held on 8 September
  • The Sara Izarrekin platform called for a demonstration on the second Sunday of the La Concha Flag in Donostia-San Sebastián. Under the slogan “Bizi nahi dut” they will depart from the Boulevard on 8 September at 13:30 hours.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2019ko abuztuaren 27a
Sara Majarenas eta alabaren aldeko elkarretaratze jendetsua, otsailean, alaba hiltzen saiatu zen gizona aske gelditu ostean. (Argazkia: Irati Salsamendi)

Last June, the judge decided that the aggressor, Sara Majarenas and his daughter, would remain at liberty, according to the same sources. Then, Majarenas denounced that he is living in a situation of "exceptionality". The demonstration next week will be an initiative to support Majarenas and her daughter and they will denounce that "patriarchal justice" leaves women alone on the street.