The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has agreed that at least 25% of school hours are taught in Spanish throughout the Catalan educational system. The court has thus estimated an appeal from the State Attorney that was filed in 2015 on behalf of the Ministry of Education, then pp, in the Autonomous Community. From 2014 until now, the Supreme Court had established that 25% of the subjects were taught in Spanish to those families who request it. The Generalitat has systematically refused, following the model of linguistic immersion.
The Catalan Department of Education has criticized the earlier publication of the resolution to the media. The Secretary of Educational Policies, Carlos Martínez, has denounced that they have not yet received any notification. They have announced that they will appeal to the judgment of the National Court.
Criticism of the Catalan popular movements and independence parties has happened one after the other. Òmnium Cultural has stated that Catalan is "our language of communication" and that it has broad support in the country. Many have stressed that the immersion model is the main guarantee of social cohesion and have rejected the challenge of the Spanish State to "attack and permanently reduce" the educational model in Catalonia.
The judges of the High Court of Justice require in the school of Catalonia a "minimal presence" of Spanish, which includes, in addition to teaching the official language, at least one basic non-linguistic curricular subject. This is the first time that the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has applied this percentage to all Catalan schools. The magistrates recall that in the educational system "there is no priority" of Catalan over Spanish and "there is no priority".
The new Education Law, the LOMLOE, which is about to be approved in Spain, introduces changes in the matter of co-official languages, and ceases to be Spanish as the main vehicular language. The drivers of this change, the Basque parties, defended that immersion was a form of shielding for citizenship. This was also interpreted by right-wing parties, such as Pp and Citizens, with the aim of making a ferocious criticism of the government.