Another Euskarafoba judgment: Against the cleaning of hostels in Gipuzkoa
  • The Donostia-San Sebastian Court has issued a judgment on the process of cleaning staff jobs in the shelters of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, which considers the implementation of the linguistic profile for all jobs to be “disproportionate and discriminatory”. CCOO has reported the news and has welcomed the judgment. The sentence has been handed down by Judge María Ángeles Rubio Gabas, sentenced to four years in prison.
Onintza Irureta Azkune @oirureta Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko urriaren 07a
Uliazpi Fundazioko langileak protestan 2023an, hizkuntza eskakizunak legez kanpokotzat hartu izanagatik. LAB

The news has been collected by the Naiz media, and in the judicial offensive against the Basque Country that of Donostia is another sentence. The CCOO trade union has recalled Uliazpi's example in its press release and has placed in this line the last judgment handed down against the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. The trade union has reiterated the arguments used earlier to reduce language profiles. Uliazpi has arrived after the ruling “this first sentence for the core of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, against the drift of the necessary language profiling system, for demanding a mandatory linguistic profile at 100% of the posts offered in the consolidation and, consequently, for excluding the means of cleaning without linguistic profile”.

According to CCOO, in almost two decades there have been no oppositions and the workers have not had the opportunity to learn Euskera in their working hours, because they are interim and have short contracts. In addition, he added that “in an extraordinary process of stabilizing cleaning and dining staff in public shelters in Gipuzkoa, some workers have been left out because they do not have the required linguistic profile for fifteen jobs.”

The union argues that language profiles are not necessary for all jobs, as it has done in other judgments. It proposes that account be taken of the "socio-linguistic proportions" and that linguistic rights and workers' rights be respected "very well". He adds that only some of the cleaners have contact with the people in the hostel.

CCOO has accused several trade unions of maintaining an exclusive and segregating attitude and the Basque Government, composed of the PNV and the PSE, of maintaining a dominant position. The union has made a proposal to deal with this situation: free Euskaltegis, possibility to study in working hours for interim and subcontracted personnel, new forms of accreditation without macro-analysis and recognition of official oral and comprehension examinations.

Interview in El Correo

The general secretary of CCOO in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, Loli García, assured in an interview in El Correo that the demands of current linguistic profiles "are well above" the regulation. "CCOO is not against the Basque Country and we believe that citizens have the right to be cared for in both Basque and Spanish," said the Secretary General of CCOO.

Loli García, General Secretary of CCOO in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in a stock image.

Garcia adds that he believes that institutions demand too much Basque: "There are many institutions that have given four and a half lapses to the rules on linguistic profiles and are imposing much greater demands than the regulations set out," he added. The reason for this action is that there are officials who do not have a stable job and are being dismissed, according to the secretary of CCOO.

In addition, ELA and LAB have pleaded guilty to these layoffs for their work in defense of the Basque Country, so García has said: "We will never be behind the banner that will lead to the eviction of a company worker," he added.