Hugging rooms in nursing homes in Italy
  • Plastic has enabled areas to receive kisses and hugs from family and friends in several nursing homes in Italy, in order to cope with the isolation experienced by many elderly in times of pandemic and its consequences for both health and emotion.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko otsailaren 02a

A couple of months ago, the so-called “hugging room” was born, in view of the need for the elders of the Nursing Home to meet with their family and friends, but also the inevitable situation that affected their health and their joy: some did not embrace anyone since March of last year. These hugging and welcome spaces have been extended in two months to more nursing homes in Italy.

The plastic curtain, the kissing curtain, the special clothing… distinguish the visitor from the one visited – according to the center they have organized it in one way or another – but at least they have found a way to temporarily put a brake on distance and isolation. Not in vain, it seems essential to take measures not only to reduce the risk of COVID19 transmission, but also to address the psychological and mood trace that the pandemic is leaving.