Bertsozale Elkartea will launch a dynamic to weave topics
  • The Bertsozale Elkartea Association has organised sessions for the training of bertsolaris. Along with Lanku Kultur Zerbitzuak, the list of creators who are willing to participate in the performances will also be updated.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko martxoaren 10
Argazkia:Bertsozale Elkartea

The dynamic will be set in motion with the aim of uniting and weaving networks between the agents. This figure is very important in Bertsolarism, shares the stage with the bertsolaris and besides receiving the fans and the bertsolaris, it is responsible for directing the programs and actions appropriately.

The Bertsozale Elkartea association, together with the Lanku Culture Service, will update the attendees’ listings for the performances. To be taken into account in future actions that organize the association or Lankuk. To do so, those interested in accessing the lists must fill out the form.

Speakers for the sessions “It’s no coincidence”

The association has already held special training sessions in advance and its aim is to continue to do so. Last February, the last speaker training course was organized under the title “It’s no coincidence”. Led by Amaia Agirre, the program aimed to explain the peculiarities of the action in which it was carried out. The intention was to do so at the Dinamoa creative center in Azpeitia, but the restrictive measures imposed by the coronavirus made it impossible. They did it at the Subijana house of Amasa-Villabona and besides being face-to-face, offered the possibility to follow the online career.