Final Degree Jobs Award in Bertsolarism
  • In addition to Bertsolarism, the Final Degree Works (TFG) performed around themes such as theatre, song, storytelling or any other oral cultural creation will be valued. They may be submitted until 16 October. @bertsozale 2020ko irailaren 21

We will offer a prize of EUR 500 in collaboration with Mintzola Ahozko Lantegia and the Mikel Laboa Chair of the UPV/EHU. The call seeks to promote research on the oral cultural creation in Basque, so the works presented will have to be based on this theme and, however, it is not ruled out that bertsolarism is one of the options.

The work must be submitted in the course 2018-2019 and/or in the course 2019-2020, and may be submitted until 16 October. The winning Ikerlan prize will be given EUR 500. The award will be given on 26 November in the research dissemination space usually held in Amasa-Villabona.

More information, here.