Entries for the final of the Bertsolaris National Championship have winners
  • We launched the #BTNaturala competition to get tickets for the final of Navarra Arena. Like every week, the key was to upload photos to social media by eating yogurt, this time with blended yogurt. In these two weeks we have received a good number of photographs, of which four have obtained double entries to Pamplona.
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Every week we draw tickets for the next session of BTN videopodkast and this time it has been the turn of the finalists. The basis of the competition has been the same: we asked you to send us a photo, but this time you had to demonstrate with what you eat yogurt in the final, and if it were not enough, we challenged you to upload to social networks.

Over these two weeks we have received many photographs, which are more original, and the work of the jury has not been easy. But after thinking well, these three photographs and the next video are the lucky ones.