Today premieres the ARGIA humorous podkast video program on the Bertsolaris National Championship
  • Haizea eta Oihana Arana, Leire Vargas and Aner Peritz have carried out with ARGIA the new program "Sponnea Ta Natural". Four young bertsolaris will devour the analysis, criticism, humor, debate of the semi-finals of the Bertsolaris National Championship... Tuesday will be made public at 20:00 a.m. and 25 October will be the first chapter of the audio-visual. In addition to this special, Eli Pagola and Elixabet Etxandi will interview a weekly bertsolari who has sung: you can read the first one, Onintza Enbeitia.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 24a
Aner Peritz, Haizea Arana, Leire Vargas eta Oihana Arana ARGIAn, "Bertakoa Ta Naturala" saioaren grabaketan. Argazkia: Dani Blanco.

Today, October 25, the special programme "Berezkoa Ta Natural" with the same acronyms of the Bertsolaris National Championship will be seen for the first time, starting at 20:00 hours, but with an incisive meaning. Leire Vargas, Oihana and Haizea Arana and Aner Peritz will detail the Bertsos program of the semifinal played last weekend. From the conscious script, they form a program of great salt and pepper with a fluid and strength of spontaneity.

Sitting around the table that has been placed on the ARGIA plateau and with the helmets of the radio, they have a great salsa program that they will record before the micro. This podkast video can be heard from anywhere and seen in front of the screen, either on the ARGIA website or on social networks and platforms audio.Se is about an hour long session, divided into short sections that will feed analysis, criticism, debate and other sections humor. The programme will also provide a space for the interviews recorded in the bertsolaris performances and each week attendees will be offered a competition that will allow them to get tickets for the bertsos program of the next semifinal.

The programme is sponsored by the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government and Euskarabidea, the Navarro Institute of Vascuence (Government of Navarra) and with the collaboration of Goenaga Yogur.

After each bertsos session, I interview a bertsolari who has sung

Elixabet Etxandi and Eli Pagola begin a special series of interviews. In turn, a bertsolari who has sung in the semifinal will be interviewed: these two authors are in charge of choosing bertsolari, and the choice will not depend on the number of points obtained. In this way, the championship will be monitored from the experiences and words of the bertsolaris. The interview will also be "camera", as the last question will always be the same: "What taste of mouth has BTN left you the next day? ".

The first interview is now available: Onintza Enbeita, answering the questions of Eli Pagola.