Workers from Bizkaia Residences call for strike again from 15 to 24 March
  • ELA workers in the residences of Bizkaia denounce that the employers and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia follow "as they are". He denounces that he is doing "business with care."
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko martxoaren 10a
Bizkaiko erresidentzietako langileen mobilizazioa. (Argazkia: ELA)

Ten more days of strike have been called by the ELA staff of the Vizcayan residences. The strike will be held from 15 to 24 March, the union reports. ELA denounces that the employers and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia continue "as they are". She adds that although on 8 March "various propaganda actions for women have been carried out", they do not take steps to make improvements in this "feminized" area.

Lack of staff, matching with the Foral Institute for Social Assistance (IFAS), replacements from day one, full-time contracts or improvements in occupational health are among the demands of staff. ELA denounces that employers and the Deputy "ignore them".

In addition, he stresses that "they continue to do business with care": "Quotas are increased for users, but that money is not for improvements, but for the pockets of employers".

March 15 in Bilbao

In all residences in Bizkaia a strike has been called and a number of demonstrations and events have been announced. The first demonstration will take place on March 15 in Bilbao, at 11:00 from the Guggenheim Museum.