Trial for the occupation of a public building is delayed until September
  • In May 2018, the Social Struggles Week was held in Donostia with the dynamic Bizia Da Gehiago. The Social Security Monetary Surveillance Building, which was closed since 2002, was occupied for a week. The Ertzaintza identified a single member as responsible for this collective occupation and will be tried. The trial, which was to be held on 14 May, had not been notified to the two Ertzaines who drafted the trial, and was therefore postponed to 21 May. On this occasion, one of the two Ertzainas did not appear in the trial, alleging health problems.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 21
Eraikin hau urteetan hutsik izan da eta astebeterako okupatu zuten, hutsik dirau berriro ere.

The new trial date is set for 17 September, at 12:00. Due to the summer holidays, which go from one session to the next more than 30 days, they will have to start again from the beginning.

The Vida Da Mayor initiative, in collaboration with 63 social movements and trade unions, celebrated last May in Donostia the week of social struggles. The public building number 6 of Idiakez Street was occupied and, as indicated at the time of its occupation, a week later the occupation was terminated. The trial was scheduled for Tuesday morning and since the dynamics he has been called to show solidarity on the street and denounce the trial.

"They want to individualize a collective struggle"

The lawyer of the member of the initiative Vida Da Más Alta who is being tried told ARGIA a week ago that this occupation was collective, within a week of initiatives, and that they want to individualize the collective responsibility by attributing the occupation to a single member absent one morning. In this regard, he stressed that this was a "temporary occupation" and that this judgment "makes no sense". The lawyer has asked the provincial secretary of Monetary Surveillance of the Social Security who has declared as a whistleblower why the administrative procedure for these cases was not opened and why criminal proceedings were resorted to.