I insist, they want our blood, not our language.
Txema Landa Aizkorbe @LandaTxema 2024ko ekainaren 19a

The Association of Donors of Navarra (ADONA) makes little use of Euskera and uses it badly, as it is this time.

In the lanterns hang some banderoles in which you can see a phrase in meaningless Basque, in which you put "day of donation" and "give me blood the day".

When Euskera is treated badly, a language is not being offended, its speakers are being mistreated, the thousands of Navarros who speak Euskera. And that mistreatment is done from a partnership that feeds on public money, that is, the money of all Navarros, and it's not the first time.

Txema Landa Aizkorbe