All tickets on Berri Txarrak's 'Beude' tour, exhausted in an hour and a half
  • Long queues formed on Tuesday afternoon to get tickets for Berri Txarrak concerts.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2019ko otsailaren 06a
Jende ilara handiak eta ordu eta erdian dena agortuta: arrakastatsu hasi da Berri Txarrak taldeak agur esango duen urteko biraren lehen zatia.

A month ago, followers of Berri Txarrak collapsed the network to get tickets for the last concerts of the season. Today long queues have been formed to get tickets for the upcoming concerts announced yesterday, Saturday, in Bilbao. Tickets can only be purchased at the lockers in each locality, and people have approached the points of sale from the first hour. Ticket sales started at 17:00 hours. They've run out in an hour and a half.

On this occasion they want to fill the fronts, the gaztetxes and the squares of the peoples. They will operate in February and March in several localities of the Basque Country.




This news has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.