Two hundred people support the 'duck saviors' at Pau's court door
  • ELB President Panpi Sainte-Marie and the owner of the Ühartia de Barkoxe estate, Cathy Xabalgoiti, had quoted this Monday morning at the Pau court for having closed the passage to officials who had come to die in the case of avian influenza. About two hundred citizens and the head of Confederation Paysanne waited at the door of their house to offer their support.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko azaroaren 05
Sindikalistak, laborariak eta herritarrak bildu dira Paueko auzitegian epaitu behar zituztenekiko elkartasunez. (Argazkia: Sophie Carbonnel)

Questioned by journalists, the head of the ELB has reaffirmed previous statements in this long process, arguing that in the spring of 2017 they faced officials who had gone to kill ducks because it was clear that there was no risk of keeping them alive, at a time when the state itself had lowered the alert level: the analyses showed that ducks were completely healthy, because their breeding system made it very difficult for them to enter. Sainte Marie warned the prosecutor that the acts of resistance had regained normality and that the prefect had accepted the protocol proposed to him by the peasants; if the prosecutor of Pau had taken it into account, "it would have been avoided that so much energy would have been wasted on the road to trial". The newspaper La Republique des Pyrenées collects the words of Panpi Sainte Marie:


Baserritarra Cathy Xabalgoiti has explained to journalists his joy of seeing so many people coming to give encouragement to the two who were going to be tried. The Republique des Pyrenées also includes the words of the Barkoxe farmer: