"Linguae Vasnomun Primitiae", by Bernart Etxepare, will be the protagonist in the continuous reading of the classics
  • On June 3, the Euskaltegi Bilbo Zaharra organized the 14th continuous reading of the classics. The recital “Linguae Vasconum Primitiae” by Bernart Etxepare will be read continuously between 8:00 and 14:00 hours.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 18a

The organizers wanted to highlight two of the literary features of Etxepare’s work. On the one hand, it is the first book written in Basque, and on the other, an example of popular poetry.

On 3 June, at the Arriaga theatre in Bilbao, they will read the book of the priest of Nafarroa Beherea, without cuts and with security measures.

Euskaltegi Bilbo Zaharra wanted to make the reading of the Arriaga known in an original way, and Bernart Etxepare himself has written the letter, as he wrote in his first life, to thank the organizers. In this link you have Etxepare's letter.

In previous years the following readings have been made: Gero de Axular, Peru Includes Mogel, Miranderen Haur Besoakoa, Saizarbitoria Hamaika pauso, Urretabizkaia Zergatik panpox, Atxagaren Obabakoak, Arestiren harri eta herri de Aresti, Sarrionandia Narrazioa Guztiak,