GuraSOS calls for the immediate closure of the incinerator working without guarantees
  • GuraSOS pointed out at a hearing in Donostia-San Sebastian that the fire started on Monday, it is already the third fire and in total it is the seventh event that occurred around the incinerator. The demonstrators have demanded the immediate cessation of the incinerator, who is working without any guarantees whatsoever.
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GuraSOS offered on Wednesday morning at the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea in Donostia-San Sebastián the information they have been able to gather about the fire unleashed at the incinerator in Zubieta. On the one hand, the fire has not been the first recorded in the upper Zubieta infrastructure, according to GuraSOS it is already the third. "We were aware of a fire that was much more serious than this, and that took place a few months ago. When we have the specifications, we shall inform you of the exact date of the specifications. A few weeks ago there was a third, not so serious fire," Joseba Belaustegi explained to the media.

As for the last fire, it was declared in the "waste tank", although not on Tuesday, when it was released by SOS Deiak. On Monday, more than the day before, GuraSOS reported in a statement published on his website. Workers have tried to stifle the fire, as in previous fires, according to the association. Workers, on the other hand, "do not have sufficient capacity or training to carry out this type of work". On Tuesday, the firefighters needed the help of the media to quell the fire. "It's not completely off yet, less smoke is coming out, but it's still coming out." GuraSOS compared what is happening in the incinerator with the images we saw at Zaldibar. "This shows that we're in the second half of Zaldibar," said Asegarce's coach. Fires that are not produced and extinguished in the waste tank.



"Here's a systemic error."

In addition to these three fires, there are five other major accidents in recent years. Among other things, the ammonia that was poured out last May from the incinerator area to Arkaitz Erreka with several hundred dead fish or the explosion or breakdowns in the transformer. GuraSOS stressed that "here we are not faced with bad luck or isolated accidents". Here's a systemic error," Belaustegi said. In the words of GuraSOS, this systemic error has a clear explanation: "Private and economic interests are being put above safety, the environment and health," he added.

The authorities "are behaving irresponsibly, with a lack of transparency and contempt for the environment, safety and health". Although it has equipped the fires with the disaster in the Zaldibar landfill, those responsible for these events are different from those in the Biscayan landfill, according to GuraSOS. "This is not the fault of a company like the one that took place at Zaldibar. In this case the company has its responsibility but what we have to take care of is not the company, but the authorities and entities that we pay with our taxes. It is they who must take precedence over the public interest and not the particular interests".



They call for the closure of the incinerator

The promoters of the incinerator have been accused of negligence and lack of transparency in the management of the incinerator. "Is this a modern and pioneering facility at European level that is so often sold to us for propaganda? Are these living conditions offered to us by the Basque Government and the Provincial Council so risky and unwell? How can we rely on the data they provide us from now on? What credibility do these liars have? Nothing," GuraSOS said in demanding a clear request. According to GuraSOS, there is much at stake, on the one hand, the economic damage caused to the citizens. This damage has already reached EUR 41.6 million, a figure that is not known so far. When talking about the damage, they have also highlighted the damage that "has no price", the safety and health of the citizens and the people who work in the incinerator. "That everyone does what they have to do, that we all have guaranteed a dignified, safe and healthy life," he added.

Faced with this situation, they have called on the authorities for years to make public the incinerator of Zubieta, who works without guarantees, because "we have to guarantee the health of our sons and daughters and because we see that the incinerator does not do so". We therefore call, as we have done over and over again, for the closure of the incinerator, which does not guarantee the health of our children or of all citizens.

GuraSOS has announced that they will continue to report on what is happening around the incinerator, a task that "the leaders should do" but they do not do, according to GuraSOS, "until the truth is clarified". "The authorities have an obligation to inform the general public. As they do not, as they do not tell the truth, the citizens will organize themselves and continue to comply with this obligation, informing society".