Mass mobilisation against the Larramendi incinerator in Bergara
  • The Larramendiko Arnasa group has called for a demonstration against the incinerator that the company Valogreen wants to build in Bergara on Sunday noon. They denounce the Government ' s attitude.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 20a
Manifestariek aldarrikatu dute ez dutela nahi erraustegirik, ez Bergaran ez inon / Ezker Anitza-IU Debagoiena

"Unfortunately during these days we have learned that the Basque Government has not accepted the appeal by the Bergara City Council against the incinerator; on Monday the resolution authorizing the activity was published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country," explained the members of the Larramendi Respirator, as reported by the journalist Uxue Igarza Loiola. They denounce that the government "imposes" the project, "above the will of the municipal government and the majority of the citizens".

The reasons why they oppose the project are diverse, among other reasons, that the action is "incompatible" with the urban determinations derived from the current General Urban Planning Plan and the Larramendi Sector Partial Plan, which is a "tacit" project and that the Environmental Survey presents "deficiencies".

Demonstration by Bergara. (Photo: Ezker Anitza - IU)