"We live in equality today, the affirmation, unfortunately, is not a reflection of reality"
  • In the educational process of achieving a egalitarian society, Hik Hasin, the feminist formator of the company Kalaka, Ilbide Gainza, has emphasized the importance of certain elements.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko abuztuaren 21
Ilazki Gainza formatzaile feminista

Gainza says that the “affirmation we are living today in equality” that has been heard a lot in recent years is not a reflection of reality. She adds that to see the differences between men and women, it is only necessary to analyze the relationships of couples of dependency that the young people of today have.

He stressed the importance of co-education in all fields in order to achieve equality. “Co-education has been cultivated in schools, but although it may seem like schoolwork, it cannot be confined to the school environment.”

Because of the stereotype and sexist role we have internalized, the feminist formator says that language also favors sexist use. For example, “the surgeon is often associated with the man and the woman with the nurse.”

When it comes to TV shows, theater, movies, games and books, he mentions that there are those who offer all kinds of values, “sexist and egalitarian.” He denounces that stories have been downplayed, but that the values we want to promote must be reflected in them. “We don’t see diversity in the reality we live in every day. It is necessary to normalize the diversity through equals.”

Gainza recommends that sexist stories not be thrown in the trash because they are useful to cultivate values with children, “that is, the story can be read in a different way.”

If you want to know if a film, comic, play or book is equal, you have to take into account three characteristics:

-At least two female characters in the film

These characters talk to each other

-That the subject of these conversations is something other than the man