Wage gap
What can we do beyond equality plans?
  • On February 22, International Day for Equal Wages for Women and Men, they will analyze in Hernani how to develop gender equality in the work "from plans to practice", in a training aimed at cooperatives and transformative projects of the Beterri Saretuz project.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko otsailaren 21a
Beterri Saretuzek hainbat formazio saio eskaini izan du eta asteazken honetan genero berdintasuna enpresetan nola landu aztertuko dute. Argazkia: Beterri Saretuz / Bira Produkzioak

The Beterri Saretuz programme organizes a special training session on the international day against the wage gap. Under the motto "Equality in Business", work will be done on how to implement gender equality at work, and will also focus on gender indicators.

"What do we take into account and what more features should we look at?" They'll try to answer the question. To this end, first, participants will receive information from a member of the Elhuyar Foundation on existing regulations and equality diagnoses. And then there will be a space for reflection from the hand of the cooperative Hiruki Larroxa to talk about what can be done beyond an equality plan.

Following this training session, Beterri Saretuzek will offer the possibility of accompanying cooperatives and companies to move towards equality. Finally, a new session will be held to end the cycle. People interested in registering can still do so on their website.

The Beterri Saretuz initiative emerged in 2019 with the aim of promoting an integral ecosystem based on the transformative economy in the Beterri-Buruntza region, focusing on societies and educational agents. It has the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and has organized training sessions and meetings on intercooperation, participation and job inclusion, among others.