Launch an office against Berango's "speculation"
  • Concerned about the urban projects being carried out in the municipality, the Land Defense Group of Berango will launch the Office against Speculation project. The inauguration will take place on January 31, at 12:00 a.m., with a pasacalles from the town hall.
Hiruka .eus 2021eko urtarrilaren 22a
Berango Lurraren Defentsan taldeak egindako mobilizazioetako bat. (Arg.: Berango Lurraren Defentsan)

The Beran Land Defense Group has lamented the urban projects being carried out in the municipality, as, as he said, they "pose a threat of sleeping people to a people that is already sleeping quite a lot. But with the pajamas and the pillow in your hand, we're ready for the fight.

The environmental organization has denounced that speculation in Berango is "on the surface": "It has not only committed machinations from the municipal government, but also illegal maneuvers to deliver the buildable land to the company Amenabar." Faced with this situation, they have announced that an anti-speculative office will be opened at the headquarters of the construction company in Bilbao.

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The aim of this new project is to report on the speculative urbanism of Berango, to propose, collect and organize alternative projects carried out in the auzolan of Otxabene and to publicize the struggle of the land defense groups and the fight against the speculation of the region.

So, next Sunday, January 31, they will conduct a kalejira from the City Hall to this new office, from 12:00 a.m. - Pasacalles, pillow war, pajamas, pajamas! The conveners have announced that the event will be held in the Plaza Nueva de Bilbao.