Construction Amenabar denounces Berango Land Defense Group
  • The Land Defense of Berango has reported that one of its members has had to testify in court to Amenabar Etxegintza Bizkaia S.L. After complaint by the construction company. In addition, the environmental organization regretted that the company had asked the Police to identify all the members of the group: "They are trying to prosecute all members of the band for crimes of 'harm and violence'," he added.
Hiruka .eus 2021eko maiatzaren 21
Martxoaren 27an manifestazio jendetsua egin zuten udalerrian. © BERANGO LURRAREN DEFENTSAN

According to the Berango Land Defense Group, they want to accuse the environmental group of pasting posters in the offices of the company Amenabar. The environmental organization regretted that no one was caught in this initiative, so one of the interlocutors who appeared in the press was denounced.

In addition, the Berango group has stressed that the construction company wants to identify and judge anyone who has used the social networks of ecologists and, to do so, they have requested IP addresses from their computers.

One of the members of Daborde has had to testify before the judge, although for the time being the case is archived until IP addresses have been obtained.

Faced with this situation, the Beran Land Defense has wondered why the "illegal" sale of land does not have legal consequences, but if reporting on it does have legal consequences. For this reason, they have called a repulse concentration for today, Friday, on Sabino Arana Street, at 19:00 hours.