The Municipality of Bera has requested the declaration of the locality as a catastrophic area
  • Torrential rains on Saturday damage Bera, Lesaka and Arano. Material damage has been significant and dozens of homes, premises and shops have deteriorated. There have also been problems on roads.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko maiatzaren 22a
Bizilagunek asteburuan utzitako lokatza garbitzen jarraitzen dute. Argazkia: Maider Iantzi / GARA.

According to AEMET, it has been an "extreme phenomenon" and the records of recent years have been broken in terms of the cumulative quantity of litres.

The mayor of Bera, Aitor Elexpuru, has pointed out that the damages have been "terrible" in the interview conducted by Euskadi Irratia. He takes stock of what happened at the weekend and hopes that "as soon as possible" He will be declared a disaster zone.

D. Mayor reports that he will submit an urgent report to the Government of Navarra. He also indicated that he had contacted the government representatives and came forward with a favourable provision for aid.