Garlic or garlic but mobile
  • Almost all plants are characterized by living immobile but not moving. If it's hunger, if it's thirst, smoking cold, heating the hot ones, everything comes to the plant that you have to endure, still! This leads to many headaches, but with millions and millions of years they have developed a huge capacity to adapt to new situations of environment, land, climate, etc. They come to you every day. If before we had plants and then they will be, of course.
Jakoba Errekondo 2022ko azaroaren 24a

Garlic (Allium sativum) is not any plant. According to Euskal Wikipedia, the oldest name is Berakatz, its origin is Belar + Severo and means “hard or hard herb”. Then it is the garlic, the orchard + white, the white plant that forms in the orchard. Without losing the yarn, garlic is not any plant. He doesn't want to live anywhere. Humidity, wet, saturated land -- after all, water doesn't like anything. Garlic loves crude, arid, thirsty, non-fertile and less rich clay lands. Hence the difficulty that exists in the wet Basque Country, the closest to the sea, to produce garlic. It used to be planted to collect garlic heads. To do this, we must plant before the day begins to spread, before the end of the year solstice, in order to be able to endure the cold well and awaken the passion for the head. Here, however, wet spring hits hard. When the day is longer than the night, in the spring equinox, the air and earth are temmed and the fungus that reddens with moisture (Puccinia allii) is toned and flushed. It is difficult to reach the solstice that starts cutting the day in summer, and the harvest is delayed then…

Knowing the atmosphere of our lands is frightening, you know that red comes to you. Garlic is not any plant. The portion - lacquer, -lagaina, -zizterra or -xixterra, -thigh, -underneath or grain is not seed, nor is it turbot, it is actually seed or germ stem. It develops vigorous roots when cultivated and suspected moisture and is able to remove this area from the ground to prevent its putrefaction. It is said to have a hydrofugous tropism, to be frightened by water and to be able to move. It moves! Looking for dry land. This has given rise to multiple stories: that witches, the moon, stars -- take them out of the ground and move them.

Today, the farmers of our wet land, when they put the garlic, do it mostly to eat them. New, unripened pearls or trolleys are fashionable and grow very well. It is not a question of raising the head, but of the soft leaf that it previously produces to feed it, stem or outbreak or mussel or measles or straw. It's a winter whim. Their work is very simple, just a vase of flowers: the whole heads are put together, putting two fingers on the ground. I start the summer and until spring comes I plan every quarter a small cottage, a village of garlic.