Beñat Gaztelumendi Arandia wins at Errenteria
  • Today the second quarter of the King’s Cup in Errenteria has been disputed. Gaztelumendi, with victory, has been ranked for the semi-finals of the Copa del Rey. @bertsozale 2024ko urriaren 21

The Errenteria Lekuona Factory hosted the second quarter of the final of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa. These are the six bertsolaris who have participated in the same song:

BEÑAT Gaztelumendi Arandia has added the most points once the work has been completed: 493. It has thus managed to qualify directly for the semi-finals of the Bertsolaris Championship to be held in Oiartzun on 17 November. The scores are as follows:

Aizpea Garmendia Iartza.En the trial was conducted by the following judges: Amaia Otxotorena Gamio, Karlos Ibarguren Olalde, Maite Sukia Olano, Oihana Aranguren Etxaniz and Zigor Leunda Eizmendi. As secretary-general, Aratz Irazustabarrena Garmendia has taken over the Secretariat of the Basque Chamber.

The following two quarter-finals will be held next weekend: In Azkoitia, on Saturday 26 October and in Irun, on Sunday 27. Tickets, as always, are available on the website