The Health Advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, has stated that the evolution of the cumulative incidence since the beginning of August is decreasing, but still the improvement is not perceived enough in the healthcare pressure of the health system. The LABI Commission has therefore considered it "prudent" to continue the existing measures for a further week until the downward trend is noted in all areas.
In summary, the existing measures are as follows:
- The use of a mask is mandatory in the urban areas transited.
- Establishments with economic activities should be closed at 01:00.
- Internal forums are limited to 35 per cent in the cultural, social and other fields.
According to data provided by Sagardui, there are currently 256 people hospitalized for COVID-19, 75 of them in the ICU. Regarding vaccination, 82.4% of the Basque population older than 12 years has received at least one dose and 73.9% have completed the complete schedule. Sagardui has appealed to people under the age of 65 and to the population of 12 to 39 years who have spent more than two months since they were married.