Do enough
  • Reuse, restore, repair, transform… Perhaps because we live with more than we need…
Mattin Jauregi Inaxio Arin Balerdipeko erleak @balerdipeko 2024ko abuztuaren 19a

In the hive it is the workers who create all the material of the hive, so it is very important for them to create only the necessary material. This shows us that the most important thing to reuse is to create only what is needed.

Wax is one of the materials produced by the bee. This wax is the material you're going to use to make your own cells or panals. The queen lays the eggs on the panals and the bee is born there, the honeycomb is empty 21 days later and the queen reuses the same honeycomb to lay another egg. About 147 bees are born in the same coat.

What about us? Everyone wants their things…

The panals created, in addition to performing the function of place of birth, also use them to perform other functions. The honeycomb is the form that is most inserted with the least number of materials possible, the exagona form. Besides being the birthplace of bees, it is the refuge of their food. In Abaraska they include all the honey they will need during the year, the balls of the pollen they have collected…