Nine Egyptians are detained under the thread of the boat sunk on the Greek coast
  • They are arrested on Thursday because of migrant smuggling. The nine Egyptians are among the 104 survivors.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 16a

Nine Egyptian men are arrested on Thursday by the Greek police. Detainees are among the survivors of the boat. They charged between 4,000 and 6,000 euros to migrants. In addition to illegal trafficking, they will be prosecuted for the creation of a criminal organization.

All people saved - 104 in total - are men. Eitb picks up the words of a rescuer: “A hundred women and children were on board, but in total more than 500 may disappear.” According to the authorities, “the missing are considered dead”.

NGOs denounce European policies

According to NGO Frontex, Greece and Italy were notified of the boat. According to Greece, the coastguards approached, but they argued that they did not need help from the boat. NGOs, as EITB has gathered, say that what has happened is “unacceptable”. They denounce that Europe does nothing and does not allow them to rescue them.

NGOs report Greek mistreatment of migrants and rejected: “They beat the rejected and the migrants and take away everything they carry, including their phones.” They say that what happened is a result of European policies.