Paskual Rekalde, member of Euskaltzaindia number:
"The Basque Country is "sailing" and more and more boys and girls are joining the Basque country"
  • A member of the Basque Language Academy, Paskual Rekalde, has organized an introductory lecture on 23 May in his native city, Amaiur. This linguist was appointed a member of the Basque Language Academy on July 17, 2020, but due to the pandemic his entry speech has been delayed by one year. In his speech, Rekalde addressed three main themes: Euskara batua and expressions; the contribution of Baztanese words to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language; and the local names of Amaiur, house names, names of people...
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 24a

Ms. Recalde starts the entrance intervention in Euskaltzaindia by reminding Andrés Iñigo, who has occupied his place in the Academy. He has underlined the work carried out by the representative of Euskaltzaindia in Navarre for 24 years, both in the Onomastic and in the dictionary and in the promotion of the Basque Country. “Thanks to him there are more and more Basque words in Navarre in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language,” he recalled.

Rekalde has pointed out that Euskera batua over 50 years old is also being strengthened and that what is learned in school and university “is also spreading to the oral, even if it is partially in some places”. Subsequently, Paskual Rekalde has honoured the pioneers of the Baztanese Basque Country, praising the contributions of Juan Kruz Goienetxe, Bitorio Apeztegia and Jazinto Santsiñena, maternal priests.

Talk about the situation of the Basque Country in Navarre: “The new generations speak more Basque (...) The Basque is present in education, in the media and in the administration”, but he has also stressed that the language “has changed a lot” in recent years. “The Baztans, in general, are not looking to the North: our Basque is not today a labortan but a baztanera-Navarro,” he acknowledged. He has therefore concluded that “the Basque Baztan is sailing, and that the Basque country is increasingly joining, especially the children who have passed through the school”.

Rekalde has also taken note of Baztan’s words, starting with Amaiur. He then shook the toponymy of the area, clarifying some curiosities. In the end, Amaiur stressed that “he is still alive and Euskaldun,” “proud of his own identity.”

Then, Miriam Urkia, a member of the Basque Language Academy, responded to the Rekalde conference and recalled its long history, highlighting the work done in Euskaltzaindia. He then explains the place of altonavarro in the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (almost 600 meanings at the moment).

Reception of the people of Amaiur

According to the chronicle by Euskaltzaindia, the institutional ekitalde was held at noon, which was inaugurated by the people of Amaiur: The Baztan Gaiters have broken the silence, then Mikel Altzuarte has released a couple of verses, the choir Amaiur Kantuz has sung the song Amaiur noble and loyal, and finally the mayor of Baztan, Joseba Otondo, and the mayor of the locality, Ixabel Aleman Amaiur, have welcomed the attendees. The president of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Andrés Urrutia, has also taken the floor and has highlighted the symbolism and importance of the act. Before Paskual Rekalde speaks at a conference, the choir Amaiur Kantuz has interpreted Xalbador's death.