They've taken to parliament the voice against the quarry they want to build at Baztan.
  • The Baztan quarry project has endangered the grasses of Erdiz and protests against this activist project are getting stronger and stronger. On Thursday, the proclamation comes to the Parliament of Navarre with the members of Erdiz Bizirik. The PSN has tabled a motion to defend the quarry, and when it was debating, the activists start screaming and have suspended the plenary. On 12 October, a demonstration will be held against the project of the Magna company in Elizondo. @ahotsainfo 2022ko urriaren 07a

On the other hand, at a hearing in Elizondo, Baztan’s agents, associations and individuals have announced their willingness to fight for the defence of the land. "We have very interiorized that we are united to the earth: we eat from the earth, we drink, the earth feeds the animals of our environment, draws the land in our landscape. Our history is written on this earth, and there is no doubt that we will write our present and our future on this earth."

All these associations have stressed that the mining that Magnesitas de Navarra wants to build in Erdiz "would destroy the resources needed to survive as a people, to the detriment of all the baztans and Navarros", and have warned that they are not willing to accept it.

The Baztan neighbours denounce the attitude of the Government of Navarra. "The governments in favour of the multinationals have opened the way for this project to be declared of Foreign Interest and processed as the PSIS, to pass over the local institutions, have banned popular consultation organised by the General Assembly of the Baztan Valley and the Parliament of Navarra which has long lost its legitimacy to represent the citizens has ratified this imposition."

As for the demonstration to be held next week, they explain that the date has not been a coincidence. "On October 12, the kingdom of Spain celebrates its colonial and genocidal character. As they do with other peoples after 500 years, through taxation they want to continue destroying our lives, our culture and our lands. Faced with this, on 12 October we will get the baztans out in the street and, as we have done in the last 500 years, we will defend our land, our culture and our way of life. Those who wish to rewrite our history will be reminded that before the kingdom of Spain existed there were sheep of Erdiz, mares and peasants of Baztan, and that there will also be after the kingdom of Spain disappeared".

The demonstration will start at 17 p.m. from Plaza de Elizondo. The list of calls is as follows:

Congress of the Baztaneses



Association Jo ala jo



Feminist Group

Youth Assembly of Baztan


Flavors of Baztan





To the plaza to the dance


Ecosocial Group


Fisheries and Hunting Association

Town of Berroeta

Town of Ziga

Town of Oronoz

Town of Irurita

Population of Arraioz

Town of Lekaroz

Town of Elizondo

Town of Gartzain

Town of Arizkun

Town of Erratzu

Municipality of Amaiur

Town of Azpilcueta