Baztan Congress is wobbling, lack of people for the organization
  • Although the year has only just begun and there are still seven months left for the great day, what was announced at the last festival can be accomplished: the lack of witnesses can cause there to be no celebration when it needed the 60th anniversary of the festival.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 03a
Inor lekukoa hartzeko prest balego, laguntzeko prest agertu dira antolatzaileak. (Argazkia: Baztandarren Biltzarra)

Although it was suspended by pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the Baztanese Assembly was last held on 17 July 2022 in Elizondo. The party after the court was then a desire and the organization joined with illusion. But the lack of witnesses and the warning that the party is in danger is not new in the valley: In 2017 the call was also made, to which about a hundred people joined as if it were the last spark. But this time, in July, it was called at the same festival and doesn't seem to have received the same answer. For this reason, "we can question the next edition of the Baztaneses Congress," the organizer Álvaro Garde confirmed at the hearing. Although no one has been willing to take the witness, they have shown their total willingness to collaborate to "accompany and advise".