The Pau Administrative Tribunal rejects Seaska’s request to do the Basque Low
  • On 23 May the court examined the case, and this Tuesday the resolution was known: students studying in Basque must continue the Baxoa examination without being able to do so in Basque.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 31

According to Seaska in this matter, in 2019 the Ministry of Education of France, the Public Institution of the Basque Country (EEP) and the federation of ikastolas themselves signed an agreement so that part of the great voice of the Lower could be realized in Basque, but now the agreement is not being fulfilled.

To understand the answer of the Pau Court, it should be noted that in recent months Seaska has met with the rector of the University of Bordeaux on several occasions, and that the University of Bordeaux has not approved the 2019 convention, because it says that the possibility of performing the examination in Basque corresponds only to students who have selected Euskera as a specialty.

The relationship between Seaska and the rector has been oral, but, according to Seaska, the Pau Tribunal has given administrative validity to the decisions of the rector and rejected the request of the ikastolas. According to the Hearing, Seaska was to steer the appeal against the rector’s administrative decision and not rely on the 2019 agreement signed with the French Ministry.