One and the other, all
Josu Iraeta 2023ko martxoaren 08a

I remember how many times we studied in youth the work of the American physicist Richard Feynman. The mediocre professor at our engineering school was in love with this American physicist. The American physicist liked math, he knew a lot, a lot. For this physicist, among many other things, defended that “science is one of the ways it teaches to know things.”

It is not only about learning things that we do not know, but also about the extent of that knowledge. Because nothing can be known absolutely. It is a means of using doubt and doubt. A way of thinking to have a certain opinion about things. Truth and deceit, truth and spectacle, etc.

Applying what Feynman said to the current situation in Hego Euskal Herria, and adding some intelligence, we would see that changing tenants often in Pamplona and Vitoria is inevitable, even if today the residences were empty.

Moreover, we consider it “normal”, because this possibility of change within the crisis process that we live in the system would be perfectly compatible with the social contradictions of capitalism.

In this sense, and taking into account the reality presented to us, it should be reiterated that the theory defended in the two aforementioned offices, Pamplona and Vitoria, to equate “social well-being” with consumption is absolutely unsustainable and false.

Unfortunately, unemployment and exclusion are the first references that question this equation. And this is not “alone” here, it is the same in Europe as in the world.

This game is typical of formal democracies. As governments come and go, greatness and greed stay, as if they were extreme advances in knowledge, as if they were an office to find work.

In this “supposed” democracy they have replaced the money and colors of gold, morality, conscience and shame. The evolution of this democracy makes us victims of the colonial expansion of civilisation. It brings us to the time of the destruction of values, and instead we only find objects. This path is not the best way forward.

But we're not all like that, and things haven't always been like that. Since the time when our peoples were managed through the Auzolans, the life of Basque society and Basque citizens has been interrelated. We have always been strong and so we will be in the future. Therefore, the “auzolan” we hear time and again in the Basque Country is not credible.

On the contrary, the Abertzale left has always recognized the values of the individual, and collectivism understands this, that is, a unit or group of people who, with the same objective, are composed of several people.

We are members of a project that dreams of an independent people. We accept the optimism and tragedy of the person, because they are different faces of the same coin, a dialectic unity that is not rejected.

Some say that in the Spanish state the government calms freedom when it “activates” the courts. I am also of the same opinion, moreover, there are many sentences that coincide with what we are now “writing”. They ignore what is happening and want to get into politics. They are accomplices.

I know many writers -- like the drug we're all about -- and I wanted to correct them that in the face of the committed situation we live in, the writer should be a medium between the universe and people. Therefore, when the courts are activated and silence becomes a “sound” of prisons, we accept that jail through our silence. I therefore ask for an intimate look.

In view of this situation, I would like to stress that this people also need those who live on the side and always looking the other side. The Basque “aseptic” knows how to distinguish between the right and the wrong path, but is not able to take a step on the path of reason and truth. Sadly, the need to deceive oneself in order to curb the abandonment it carries within. What a pity.

We are all needed.

Josu Iraeta, former deputy and writer of the Spanish Congress