The City Hall approves the last procedure for the construction of the new building of the Basque Culinary Center
  • The Local Government Board has approved granting a major construction license to the Basque Culinary Center (BCC) for the construction of the Okendo Alden Gastronomy Open Ecosystem (GOe) building.
Aitor Odriozola Zubillaga Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2023ko urriaren 04a
Gastronomy Open Ecosystem egoitza, Basque Culinary Centerren egoitza berria. (Simulazioa: BIG)

The mayor, Eneko Goia, pointed out that the one approved by the commission is the last municipal procedure to start the works. The BCC wants to start the works in November and with the license approved this Tuesday the city council has given the green light to this option.