Basaizea, a tribute to the cultural unity of Baigorri
  • Two appointments will be held in Baigorri next weekend. At Ibiakoitza, on 24 July, the presentation of Dominique Campistron’s book will take place at the Baigorri Bixentain Auditorium, at 18:00 in the afternoon, in the “Bertsolari bekatorosak” programme with Maialen Lujanbio and Odei Barroso. On Sunday, 25 July, at 19:00 a.m., Urmuga, the mountains and the musical project will reach Baigorri, so we will have the opportunity to hear Etxauzian Garai, Ruper Ordorika, Chill Mafia, Orfeón Donostiarra, Gorka Benitez Quartet, Miren Narbaii and Alex Sardui.
Enbata Basaizea @Basaizea 2021eko uztailaren 21

Urmuga is an adventure. A trip.

Entertainment. Meet people. Basque. Discovery of sounds. The wind on the face. Dreaming. Herrigintza. No limit... what we want. Because the mountain brings us together. Music unites us. And above all, the Limit, drop by drop, unites us.

In summer, for a few days, Urmuga is a way to enjoy the culture and the mountain, crossing the non-border of Euskal Herria. However, this experience alone brings the national construction, the Basque culture is woven, creates social, cultural, political relationships… there it is! A poetic and political initiative emerges from a whim of nature!

Everyone is invited to be watering, both here and there. You will be spectators of the concert and a day's walking, water lovers. The only condition that is imposed is respect, respect for the mountain and for music.