The first victories in the camps begin to come with boycott agreements with Israel
  • Among other things, the cloister of the University of Barcelona voted in favour of the breakdown of institutional relations with Israel. Trinity College Dublin reaches an agreement with students mobilized to “work towards breaking the relationship” with Israel. The Basque students have demanded that the rectors of the UPV and the UPNA break with the Zionist state.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko maiatzaren 09a
Bartzelonako ikasleak presio handia egiten ari dira unibertsitatean.

The avalanche of student mobilizations from all over the world for Palestine continues to bear fruit in different places. Many sources say that on Wednesday the cloister of the University of Barcelona (UB) has agreed to break with Israel. They voted in favour of the extraordinary motion 59, 23 against and 37 abstentions. The decision has come after the students have started the camp for Palestine, but it is not final, because the university leadership must now decide on the voting of the cloister. The measure would affect schools, research centres, companies and other Israeli institutions. Benjamin Netanyahu has been recognized by the cloister as a mechanism of pressure against Benjamin Netanyahu, to “stop genocide and suppress the system of apartheid and colonization.”

In Ireland, students at Trinity College Dublin have also achieved a “partial victory” after a week of camp. The University has announced that it has initiated a process of breaking links with companies with activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories that appear on the UN’s “black list”, the BBC has reported. Students say they will continue the protests until they meet all their requirements. The University has set up a working group, representing students, to decide its relationship with “countries that violate human rights”.

The Ikasle Abertzaleak organisation requires the UPV/EHU and UPNA rectors to disrupt their entire relationship with Israel. They have also demanded that the UPNA rectorate publicly condemn Israel. Since Monday there have been camps in the universities of Hego Euskal Herria and hundreds of students have joined the protests. The mobilized students have organized programs for the coming days.


Nationalist students have denounced that, although the UPV/EHU said it would break relations with Israeli Zionist universities, the reality is completely different. They call for it to be broken with Israel's accomplices too. IA has mentioned HP, AXA and CAF as collaborators of Zionism. They warn that HP is developing the military technology used in the checkpoint established by Israel in Palestine, that AXA is an investor in the banks involved in the arms companies and colonization, and that the Basque company CAF is building a railway infrastructure that passes through the illegal colonies of Palestine.

Paros in Basque centres

The student organization Ikama has called for stops for May 13, under the motto "Students with Palestine, stop genocide". Ikama joined the camps that have been organized on the campuses of Hego Euskal Herria, but they have seen the need to take “one step further” and have called the Basque educational community to stand on Monday and join the mobilizations they have organized in the capitals at 12:00.