EH Bildu and PNV ask Minister Bolaños for explanations of Barrionuevo's statements
  • The fact that last weekend former Spanish Interior Minister José Barrionuevo proudly defended state terrorism in the newspaper El País has lifted powders. EH Bildu has asked to attend the Spanish Congress, understanding that he has recognised his direct participation in the GAL and justified state terrorism. The PNV asks Félix Bolaños in the Senate whether these statements can be investigated under the Democratic Memory Act. The Social Forum calls on Pedro Sánchez to acknowledge the damage caused.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 07a
Mertxe Aizpurua EH Bilduko bozeramailea Espainiako Kongresuko saio batean.

The pride of the defense of state terrorism by the former Spanish Minister of the Interior, José Barrionuevo (1982-1988), has raised dust and, in addition to reactions, there have been demands for accountability.

The EH Bildu group in the Spanish Congress, on behalf of Mertxe Aizpurua, has requested the appearance of Barrionuevo, in recognition of its direct participation in the GAL and the justification of state terrorism. Furthermore, in order to obtain the opinion of the Spanish Government on these statements, they request the attendance of the Minister of the Presidency, the Courts and the Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños. You will be asked whether those recognized in the dialogue can be investigated within the framework of the Democratic Memory Act, for appropriate purposes.

The PNV will also ask for explanations in the Spanish Senate. Estefanía Beltrán de Heredia asks Minister Bolaños whether Barrionuevo can be investigated by this law and whether he considers its manifestations "legitimate and democratic".

For the State to recognize the damage caused

For its part, the Permanent Social Forum will send a letter to the President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, requesting "recognition of the damage caused by the State". "The Spanish State must recognize that it committed serious human rights violations in the context of the cycle of violence," they warn.

The Social Forum has welcomed in a note the "strong response" of most "actors" to the Barrionuevo declarations. They ask the government of Sánchez to take steps for recognition in this legislature: "Conditions are emerging step by step to end the inequality between victims and defend the victims of the state. Although there is still a long way to go, it is necessary and urgent that the Government of Madrid make a clear gesture. Yesterday we saw that this demand has strong institutional and political support".