The PNV recovers and maintains the Barik card discount
  • At first the party wanted to make anonymous cards and temporary Barik pay more expensive, but it has finally regressed. It expects the discount to come into effect again in mid-February.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2024ko urtarrilaren 04a

The PNV rejects and reports that 50% discount will continue to be applied to all cards in Bilbobus, Bizkaibus and Metro. Therefore, it will not be necessary to customize the card to enjoy the discounts and the discount will apply to anonymous Barik cards and temporary subscriptions. On Tuesday, in ARGIA, the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia decided to increase the cost of the Barik card from 14 January 2024. The measure has generated controversy, particularly among members of different social, trade union and environmental actors.

However, the discount will not enter into force on 14 January. The PNV says that it will apply from the second half of February, because it cannot be implemented earlier by the legally established deadlines.

An extraordinary session will be held on Friday, at which the Chairman and Deputy General of the Bizkaia Transport Consortium, Elixabete Etxanobe, will propose the suspension of the measure, as reported by EITB. All members of the PNV consortium are “in agreement” with this measure, and this Thursday’s meeting is “guaranteed” to approve this measure.

Pressure of agents

The initial measure has disrupted various social, trade union and environmental actors. A rally was held on Tuesday in front of Metro Bilbao, and on Thursday they met at the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to prevent the increase in public transport. under the motto, to welcome the rejection of the decision.

For example, the Yellow Fever movement has added to Thursday's concentration on its social networks: “Today we are going to go out to the streets to celebrate the rejection of increased public transport and to ask the Provincial Council to change its transport policy, giving priority to public transport and not to subfluvial transport that enhances the use of the car.”

On the other hand, Ekologistak Martxan released a statement on Wednesday against the initial proposal. He points out that the increase of the card “attacks” the “purchasing power of the most vulnerable sectors of society”. They also denounce that this decision would increase the use of private cars: Public investments in road infrastructure such as the Supersur or the tunnel under the river are very expensive and, according to the Council itself, the use of private cars will increase by 33%”.

The association has declared its “absolute rejection” of the decision to increase the Barik card: “The commitment of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to the policy of road investment or the elimination of subsidies to public transport runs counter to the measures to be taken for fairer and healthier mobility.”