They call for the bardene shooting polygon to be dismantled for 34 years with a march
  • Convened by the Anti-Polygon Assembly, about 300 people have been launched on Sunday. The request to remove the field of shooting practice was the main incentive, but they wanted to accommodate two other issues in their protest. On the one hand, they have shown their solidarity with Palestine and with all the countries suffering the war in the world. On the other hand, they have reminded the environmental entrepreneur Gladys del Estal.
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Activists Milagros Rubio and Eduardo Navascues have read a statement in which they recall that in four years the agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Defence and the Community of Bardenes will be concluded and ask that it not be renewed and that the area be part of the Natural Park. "Our reasons are environmental, peaceful, economic and security," they stress.

The statement stated that “this year’s march aims to show solidarity with the Palestinian people as a result of the massacre they are suffering.” “However, we do not forget the Israeli victims of terrorism in Hamas, nor the victims of Ukraine,” they add. In the end they have added that the use of the Bardenas for war training is part of these conflicts.

Tribute to Gladys del Estalle

On Monday, 45 years of the shooting death of the Civil Guard in an antinuclear demonstration in Tudela at the age of 23 of the young Donostia Gladys del Estal. The young entrepreneur was killed by José Martínez Sala, two months after the ruling he received the medal. The young entrepreneur receives a minute's silence.