Barbado and Zelaia are reported by thousands of people on the streets of Gasteiz
  • Cruelty stop! A massive demonstration was held on Saturday by the platform against the four-year prison sentence imposed on Galder Barbado and Aitor Zelaia. On Friday, the deadline for the two young people to volunteer in prison was exhausted, and on the same Saturday, an hour and a half before the demonstration call, they appeared on a balcony of the Spanish Military Government building. The Ertzaintza led them to pinch and are already in Zaballa prison.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2023ko urriaren 01a

The demonstration was convened at 18:30, but at 17:00 the news was spread through social networks: Barbado and Zelaia appear on a balcony of the Spanish Military Government building. People began to approach the neighboring plaza, and hundreds of young people completed their detention moments with hints for the two youth and against the Ertzaintza and the PNV. Finally the Ertzaintza compared them at 18:30 hours and took them to Zaballa prison. At that time the police confronted the young people on the street for a few seconds, but the organizers had to start the demonstration heading to the Plaza del Artium and there was no other conflict. The demonstrators took the road and started spontaneously to Artium Square (on 1 October, the day after the arrest, Aiaraldea komunikabideak has published a long interview with Galder Barbado).

Video summary of the time of arrest of Galder Barbado and Aitor Zelaia:



Mass demonstration

The demonstration started half an hour late due to the arrest of Barbado and Zelaia. The Cruches stop shirts! They went through a blue flood that ran through the streets of downtown Vitoria. Along the way, some points recalled some struggles of the past and the present, such as the Basque, the feminist, the dirty anti-war or that of the walled peoples.

Photo: So

Exciting event

The protesters filled the Plaza de los Fueros, where they ended the mobilization with an emotional act. On the giant screen of the stage a video chained the eleven mobilizations carried out in recent years in favor of Barbado and Zelaia, as well as other pro, initiatives, days or sabotages carried out by the youth movement. Cruelty stop! Two members of the platform took the floor next. Two young people arrested a couple of hours earlier, together with their family and friends, showed their solidarity and affection, thanked all those who during these years have broken the initiative in one way or another and praised the work done.

They then took the word Barbado and Zelaia, through a video recorded in deferred. From the moment the young people were arrested and imprisoned, they spent five long years, proclaimed political militants and called today ' s young people to continue fighting. Finally, three people took the floor in turn to defend an independent, socialist, feminist and Basque Basque Country with its own state. The demonstrators were shocked and applauded for their warm words. The event was closed by Eusko Gudariak.

Photo: So
Photo: So