The Red Garlic Revolution
  • Apparently they were up to the chin. If hundreds of years the Christian king was not the Muslim, or the bishop and the Cacique not far away; taxes, contributions, hasikis, dechema, garrison, pecha, decum, tribute, size, Chinese punishment, emontarzun, lobby, levaina, everything they were and weren't. And a war and the next war took their daughters and sons.
Jakoba Errekondo 2022ko abuztuaren 23a

They were farmers and cultivated and created wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum distichon), oats (Avena sativa), olives (Olea europaea), grapes (Vitis vinifera), etc. They had to pay a tenth of all the major crops; from there, they took everything away at the whim of the cacique. Always in favour of ensuring their safety, making reason an excuse and expropriating their children of security.

They were up to the coconut and on more than one occasion they stood up and confronted the lords, without getting anything clear and collecting wood back. Until one of the sparks in the cloud brought some grandmother the barbarism of utopia to her true dreams. Let us dream how to end this continual theft of our sap! With these ideas I was peeling a garlic eye (Allium sativum) and the cottage for lunch in the head. Peel and bleed, shaded. He knows that garlic is healthy, especially raw. And it turns on the body, slows the blood and lowers the pressure, which makes the blood flow more quickly at the same time, to the other and to the head. And it turns on the dream. the garlic! Garlic is a chopped vegetable, it's not one of the most important crops, and the key, it's not taxed by a tenth. If the garlic is working, the teeth are taught to bishops, lords and kings, without a blow. Since then, little by little, all the people dedicated themselves to the garlic industry, and today it is known for it. The rebellion of garlic took place in 1662 in Falces. Since then, Falces' red garlic is famous, the garlic of revolution.

All this is remembered when a Falces garlic thistle hangs in the kitchen. And health. This anticoagulant, which calms the blood pressure and takes care of the elasticity of the veins, antibacterial, anti-fungus, reducing bad cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-virus… and the caretaker and revolutionary of the peasant disease. The Red Ajillo of Falces is everywhere. Red.