Barañain neighbours organize a human chain on December 2 for the right to live in Euskera
  • On 2 December, on the eve of the International Day of the Basque Country, a demand will be made for the Municipal Government of Navarra Suma to denounce its contempt for the Basque Country and respect the linguistic rights. The human chain will depart from Lagunak at 18:30 in the afternoon. @ahotsainfo 2021eko azaroaren 29a

A demonstration will reject the attitude of the City of Barañain towards the Basque Country, "against the attitude of contempt towards the Basque country and the linguistic rights that, over and over again, the municipal government that runs the ID+". The last one that has aroused the indignation of the Basque people has been the removal of the linguistic profile to 13 places in the 2021 organic template. Among them, direct jobs for citizen care, gatekeepers, administrators, municipal architect ...

For this reason, an information campaign was launched and the cry for the use of the Basque Country has appeared in the windows and balconies of the house through separate symbols.

Thursday’s human chain will be held on the eve of International Euskera Day and will depart from Lagunak at 18:30 in the afternoon. In addition, they have invited citizens to come with banderolas and spokespeople for Athletic.