26 students of the Alaitz Institute of Barañáin are left out of the Baccalaureate for the reduction of a Model D class
  • A total of 26 students from the Alaitz Institute of Barañain have been left out of the baccalaureate list due to the cut of a classroom. Calls have been mobilised to denounce the cuts in pensions for workers.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko uztailaren 01a
Alaitz institutuan egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia:

The Delegation of Fathers and Mothers of Bahrain denounces the following: "Since we knew they were going to cut, from the beginning of May, we started to mobilize to turn the situation around. The decision seems unfair to us. Last year the demand was very high (23 high school students and 30 new students coming from outside the school), but the decision to cut a classroom was made after the enrollment date.”

After meeting with the Education Groups and the City of Barañain, the complaint was addressed to the Ombudsman of Navarra. However, the Education Advisor, Carlos Gimeno, supported the cutting of classrooms and, as they have denounced, gave "wrong data" about the number of students. The 26 students affected have been transferred to the "schools" in the area, according to the Basque police. The parents have shown their anger at Gimeno's attitude: “The problem is not that money has been wasted or that an institute is given too much importance, as the Department of Education said, but that there are no cuts in education. That is what has happened.”

Concentration on Tuesday at PSN headquarters

The Euskera Defense Network will denounce the obstacles that the Government of Navarre places on model D in general. It is clear that the Government is “ready to do everything” to “attack the Basque Country.” For this reason, they convened a concentration on 2 July, at 12:00 p.m., in front of the headquarters of the PSN of Pamplona, under the motto “Oibarren euskaraz, model D throughout Navarra”.